Oxnard's RSVP Program Matches
Seniors to Volunteer Opportunities
Senior citizens in Oxnard who are looking to volunteer their time and talents to a worthy endeavor need look no further than the City's Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP). Our speaker on Monday, August 19, was Marisue Eastlake, RSVP Director (pictured above). Marisue coordinates more than 550 people, age 55 and older, whose volunteer endeavors range from tutoring students to providing tax preparation assistance to leading educational and exercise classes.
RSVP has 70 offices around the country. "Studies show that seniors who volunteer live longer, healthier, and more fulfilling lives," said Marisue, "and we're matchmakers for senior volunteers. There's truly something for everyone whop wants to give back."

Marisue noted that two of her most popular classes are Bone Builders and Tai Chi. Both of them are designed to help seniors improve their balance and reduce the chances of an injury-producing fall. Tai chi goes even further, reducing blood pressure, alleviating depression, and improving overall wellness. Joining Marisue on Monday were two of her volunteer tai chi instructors, Rosanne Falcone (left) and Maria Tuason Combs. They provided a fascinating overview of the history of the ancient martial art, followed by a graceful demonstration of the eight basic forms (movements) that they teach.
Additional information on the volunteer opportunities and offerings of RSVP is available here.