Ventura South Presents Dictionaries to 3rd Graders
Posted by Sandy Warren
on Jan 19, 2015
Members of Ventura Rotary South
Present Dictionaries to Local 3rd Graders
Present Dictionaries to Local 3rd Graders
In a favorite January tradition, members of Ventura Rotary South participated in the annual Dictionary Give-away Program, purchasing and distributing over 300 student dictionaries to 3rd graders at three Ventura elementary schools.
Rosanna Colin and Melody Thurman visited Junipero Serra Elementary School on January 13; Marilyn Scott and Kendall Mattina took care of the give-away at Will Rogers Elementary on January 15; and Dennis Longwill and Sandy Warren visited Portola Elementary that same day. (The photo above shows Dennis addressing one of the five classes that he and Sandy visited.)
A big thank you to Marilyn Scott for coordinating the project once again. Thanks also to the members who came together to put Rotary Ventura South labels in the books, including Rosanna Colin, Dennis Longwill, Lee Ann Luongo, John and Kendall Mattina, Marilyn Scott, Jerry Spencer, Melody Thurman, and Sandy Warren. Kudos also to Bob Braitman and Monty Clark who volunteered to serve as "stand-by" presenters.