Ventura Land Trust:
Preserving the Best of Ventura
Our first speaker of the new year was Steve Doll, Board member of the Ventura Land Trust, a non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation and protection of Ventura's land, water, wildlife, and scenic views. Steve shared the organization's vision for greater public access to and involvement with the remaining open spaces in and around the City.
"Volunteers are the lifeblood of our organization," said Steve, noting that the third Saturday of each month will find groups of volunteers participating in activities ranging from tree planting to the removal of invasive plant species, to the collection and disposal of trash from waterways such as the Ventura and Santa Clara riverbeds.
The Ventura Land Trust is also actively involved in the purchase of open space to keep it just that - open. Currently in escrow is a large parcel of land near Kimball and Foothill Roads. Known as Harmon Canyon, the 2100 acres of land stretch back into the hills for several miles and is known for its tranquil beauty. Steve explained that plans are underway to make it public open space, once escrow closes.
To find out more about the organization's activities, or to donate or volunteer, visit