Computers for Boys and Girls Club
Posted by Sandy Warren
on Apr 01, 2015
Rotary Ventura South Buys Computers
For Boys and Girls Club of Greater Ventura
For Boys and Girls Club of Greater Ventura
On Monday, March 30, Patti Birmingham, CEO of the Boys and Girls Club of Greater Ventura, came to our regular meeting to accept a check for $6,000 from the Rotary Club of Ventura South Foundation. The money will be used to replace 10 computers at the Boys and Girls Club's LeFevre Center on Johnson Drive. Pictured above with Patti is Sandy Warren, current president of Ventura South.
Patti noted that the existing computers are approximately eight years old and are rapidly nearing the end of their useful lives. "These computers are in use five days a week, year round," said Patti. "They are the backbone of our homework program, and they have greatly contributed to the outcome of 97% of our members being on track to graduate from high school. We are extremely grateful for Rotary Ventura South's generous donation."
Patti noted that the existing computers are approximately eight years old and are rapidly nearing the end of their useful lives. "These computers are in use five days a week, year round," said Patti. "They are the backbone of our homework program, and they have greatly contributed to the outcome of 97% of our members being on track to graduate from high school. We are extremely grateful for Rotary Ventura South's generous donation."
Sandy noted that Ventura South has long supported the Boys and Girls Club with financial donations and hands-on projects such as painting and refurbishment of Club facilities. "We're always delighted to be able to help this wonderful organization."