Ventura Rotary Clubs Join Forces for
Trail Clearing at Botanical Gardens
Saturday, April 29, was International Rotary Work Day. To celebrate the global event, members of Rotary Ventura South gathered with Rotarians from the Downtown Ventura Club, and Rotary Ventura East, as well as Ventura Rotaractors, to do some trail maintenance at the Ventura Botanical Gardens. In the photo above, Rotary Ventura South member Matt Jones and his wife Sandy bring down one of dozens of wheelbarrow loads of brush that participants cleared from a hillside trail.
After the morning's work, participants gathered at what will be the site of the Rotary Pavilion, part of the Garden's master plan. Joe Cahill, Ventura Botanical Gardens Executive Director, spoke to the group, noting that the Gardens will be a focal point for the City of Ventura, drawing visitors from around the world.
Members and spouses of Rotary Ventura South who participated in the day's event included Peter Barry, Ed Keay, Matt and Sandy Jones, Larry Matheney, Marilyn and Don Scott, Melody Thurman, Sandy Warren, and John Zaruka.